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A City Assignment is An Angelic Assignment

Updated: Jul 25, 2023

Enjoy this excerpt from Seeing the Supernatural: How to Sense, Discern and Battle in the Spiritual Realm. Purchase your signed copy by clicking 🇺🇸USA or 🇦🇺AUS.

Do you wonder why you live in the city or town that you live in?

God is behind such matters, much more so than we think. Our Heavenly Father is the original inventor of cities. You could say that the first city was the Garden of Eden, and the last city, of course, is the New Jerusalem. He places people in cities, such as He did with Adam and Eve, and even calls people out of cities, such as He did with Abraham and Lot. For that reason, I believe that God has ordered your steps and placed you in your town or city on a divine assignment. You are there to bring His Kingdom, and you are there to destroy the works of

A woman named Carol came to a recent prophetic institute at our church. She came to learn, but also to receive an anointing to see and discern the spiritual realm so she could be more effective. Carol had been divinely called out from her home in Houston, Texas to the City of San Francisco. Her assignment? To pray for and love people and show them who Jesus is. A business owner, Carol had been visiting San Francisco when she became overwhelmed with the sound of crying and weeping while she was driving around the city. She investigated the sound but could not pinpoint it. Finally, she discerned it by the Holy Spirit. As she stood on a beach, she knew the cry was coming from the land, and it felt like an inner cry from people’s hearts. When she identified it, the anointing of the Holy Spirit came tangibly upon her. “It felt like honey, very thick and sweet,” she said. “And I can still feel it when I share this story.” 

After this experience, Carol spent a week in San Francisco to seek the Lord’s direction, and then she spent another month in the city to confirm it. God gave her a specific dream and a scripture confirming her call to a city known as the “least church-going metro in America,” to bring His Kingdom there. Carol now engages in “friendship evangelism” and shares Jesus in the context of her many friendships with atheist and other-religion friends. She said her next assignment is to gather people to pray for San Francisco and begin the process of healing the land, as the Holy Spirit directs her.

When God called Ron and me back to Turlock, California, His plan was to transform a city by first transforming the local church. City transformation God’s way would only happen through His repurposed Church, which would then reactivate the angelic assignment. God’s purposes-and this includes the angels assigned to His specific purposes-will not happen past the faith of His church on the earth. We can and often do limit God by our disobedience, which in turn restrains His angelic helpers (see Psalm 78:41 NKJV).

This is true of any city. Ian Carroll, apostolic leader of Greater Chicago Church, shared a similar thought after he saw the “angel of Chicago.” He said the angel had remained dormant for decades, but was reactivated in his assignment in 2011, in response to the fervent prayers of the local church for the city (his church, as well as others). I have experienced something similar. I have seen the “angel of Turlock,” and it is my belief that God reactivated this city’s angel to his assignment once the local church stepped back into its purpose for our city.

I believe the absence of angels is largely due to the Church, both individually and corporately, not being aligned to its proper assignment. Angels come to help us as we obey the Lord, not as we carry out our own whims. That is a tough pill to swallow, but discernible angelic activity tells us where God is and what He is doing.

I once was in Tianfu square in Chengdu, China. (Our interpreter translated Tianfu as “heavenly government.”) The square was heavily saturated with police, and you could feel the unrest on the land. I was told that radical Buddhists had used the square as a place of continual government protest, with some setting themselves on fire to make their point. As we prayer-walked the square, I became quite irritated when I discerned the lack of angelic presence. I thought to myself, Why are there no angels? 

The lack of angels was a message that something was amiss. I expressed my irritation to our host, and we began to pray for God to release His angels to that place (see Matthew 26:53). As we continued walking the area, I was amazed and surprised to see a pillar erected to the “Angel of Harmony.” That was a powerful confirmation! God had already built His strategic plan into the land, even giving title and description to what He wanted established. Nevertheless, it needed the local church to come into alignment with His plan for the city if the angels were going to be released.

As an individual, you will be most effective in your purpose when you understand the city-church-angel connection and align yourself with it. In response to your alignment with your city assignment, God will release and activate the city angels to their assignment. You can discern the difference as an increase in angel activity, just as the lack thereof also tells us where things stand. That does not mean you will not have any ministry or angelic help past your city borders. I just shared with you my own experiences in Chengdu in this regard.

Still, God has ordered your steps on purpose, and you are in your city for a purpose.


Jennifer Eivaz is a minister and international conference speaker with a heart to equip the church in the supernatural and for raising up passionate and effective prayer. She is a content contributor for many online Christian publications, has been featured on several Christian television shows, hosts the popular podcast Take Ten With Jenn, and authored several bestselling books. Jennifer and her husband, Ron, co-pastor Harvest Church, now meeting in several locations – in addition to hosting a thriving online campus. They also have two wonderful children.

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