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Healing The Jezebel Afflicted Soul

Updated: Jul 25, 2023

By Jennifer Eivaz

Be sure to get your copy of The Intercessor’s Handbook


Years ago, there was a moral failure on our pastoral team. It was devastating and the circumstances of the extramarital affair were hard to accept. There was also a woman who orchestrated the adulterous relationship behind the scenes. She didn’t have the affair, but helped bring it together. This woman appeared very spiritual, prayerful, even prophetic, which was quite confusing at the time. I learned after some research that she fit the classic definition of a Jezebel spirit, and I had vilified her as an evil person in my mind for years. I never considered her worthy of redemption because, after-all, she was a Jezebel! Much later, I had wondered about the root cause of her actions and if change would ever be possible.

I’ve dealt with others that seemed to fit much or parts of the classic description of a Jezebel spirit: controlling, manipulative, false prophetic, hatred for authority, religion, pride, seductive, intimidating, deceptive, etc. Most of them were women, but not all. And, I was frustrated that I had never successfully cast out a Jezebel spirit from a person and neither had our deliverance teams. When we told that spirit to go, it didn’t go! Instead, the person had to go if we were ever going to be rid of it.

I believe that I finally figured out why. We see two women by the name of Jezebel mentioned in the bible, one in the Old Testament and then one in the New. They are Queen Jezebel, Baal worshiper and wife to King Ahab, and then Jezebel from the church of Thyatira, an idolater and self-proclaimed prophetess (I Kings 16, Rev. 2). These are not the same woman, but two different women having similar sins and evil behaviors. I don’t believe that’s a coincidence. Then we read about a demonic principality, the “great harlot,” and how it promotes in the nations the exact behavior we find in both Jezebels and in those we know who act like them (Rev. 17). Consider the deep spiritual dimensions attached to Jezebel’s behavior and then consider Jesus’ remedy. Unlike other demonic spirits that afflict people, He didn’t say to cast a spirit out. Instead, He instructs Jezebel to repent with a serious warning (Rev. 2:21).

Why repentance? Biblical repentance means to change your mind. When someone is under the influence of the Jezebel spirit, they aren’t possessed in the traditional sense. Jezebel had to repent because the stronghold had been built into her mind. She had become Jezebel in her personality and behavior. This typically happens as this principality unleashes sinister and targeted circumstances into a person’s life to create the needed mental strongholds resulting in the patterned behaviors. (i.e. childhood sexual or physical abuse, severe neglect, trauma, etc.) Not everyone with a difficult upbringing comes under this influence, but the trauma is intended to create it. When you encounter a person under the Jezebel influence, realize their wickedness today is a deep-seeded response to traumatic conditioning yesterday.

Repentance isn’t easy, however. Change can feel like a personal death since the behaviors are so deeply ingrained. A woman in our church had shared her story recently. “I hated my husband and verbally abused him. I finally tried to kill him and ended up in jail.” Although she was a Christian, she didn’t fully surrender her life to Christ until she was incarcerated. The root of her behavior was childhood sexual abuse coupled with strong family matriarchs who taught her to never trust men. “I had to learn how to stop controlling people,” she said. Today, she’s a medical professional and a powerful speaker, equipper, and minister in our church. We have several stories of women just like her. Women who couldn’t control their rage, destroyed their marriages, hated authority, lied compulsively, used sex to get their way, and on and on… all women who’ve been abused or traumatized having been set free by the Word and the power of God.

What do I do if this is me?

If you recognize yourself in this article, know that God loves you and has already made a way out for you. You need to be delivered in your soul, but how? The bible instructs us to be renewed in the spirit of our minds (Rom. 12:2). To renew our mind, we meditate in His Word. We read, speak out loud, write, and memorize bible verses that reshape our thinking and behavior. For example, “Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby…(I Per. 2:1).” As we review this verse over and over and others, we will begin to reshape from the inside out. We will change. The bible says His Word can divide soul and spirit, meaning it’s so sharp that it has surgical-like ability to cut things out of your soul (Heb. 4:12). He also promises to restore your soul (Ps 23:3), and restoration happens as we renew our minds to His Word.

What if I live with, work with, or attend church with a person under the influence of Jezebel?

Each situation is different and you have to choose your battles. Pray specific scriptures over the person and then set firm boundaries with them depending on their actions and who they are to you. Remember that a person under the influence of Jezebel can’t control you, seduce you, or bewitch you unless you allow it. In a church, be very diligent when they begin tearing down leaders behind their backs. This is the first signal of trouble. Remember, they hate authority but this hatred has a root cause. Show a lot of love, but confront them immediately asking them to right their wrong with that leader. Once they know the boundaries and know they’re loved, it creates enough safety for them to start changing. If they are destructive and won’t repent, don’t feel bad for removing them from your circle or fellowship. If you’re their target, however, pray and strategically confront. Don’t be their victim.

I’m seeing keys of freedom coming like rain from heaven to the Body of Christ. In His love, He’s healing and strengthening our weaknesses. He is actively dismantling the influence of Jezebel in our midst. Glory!


Jennifer Eivaz is a minister and international conference speaker with a heart to equip the church in the supernatural and for raising up passionate and effective prayer. She is a content contributor for many online Christian publications, has been featured on several Christian television shows, hosts the popular podcast Take Ten With Jenn, and authored several bestselling books. Jennifer and her husband, Ron, co-pastor Harvest Church, now meeting in several locations – in addition to hosting a thriving online campus. They also have two wonderful children.

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