Be sure to get your copy of The Intercessor’s Handbook
By Jennifer Eivaz
To My intercessors on behalf of America:
I was impressed by the Holy Spirit to write, “You have deeply prayed for righteousness. You have vehemently prayed down lawlessness. You are seeing the fruit of your prayers. Boundaries and borders are being established in the nation as lawlessness is being firmly challenged. Still, America will not lose her compassion. She is still a melting pot, but I am remolding this melting pot to prevent a melt-down. Be flexible and optimistic with change. In the midst of change, remember that I AM still mercy. The scepter of mercy will continue in America. Therefore, don’t be discouraged by the angry clamor. Turn off the clatter, don’t be alarmed, and listen to Me. I am moving things into place. I am working on behalf of this nation.”
I then saw across the nation an innumerable number of black lids. At the same time, I saw numerous financial lids being removed. These lids, again, were unreasonable fees, penalties, fines, inflated pricing, excess charges, etc., having been imposed for a sinister reason. These lids were the constructs of corruption and have bound and discouraged the church and the people of God from doing the work of ministry. There is another “coming off” of these lids, thus putting needed resources back into the hands of the righteous and the purposeful.
At the time of this writing, I’ve been in prayer and fasting for the state of California for nearly 40 days as part of our church’s annual 40 days of prayer and fasting here at Harvest Christian Center in Turlock CA. I have a long and intense intercessory history with California. I’ve encountered both angels and demons on behalf of this revival state and I’ve suffered intense warfare for this terrain.
At the time of severe drought (2011-2015), God gave me the word that “the drought was over” and thankfully the rains came in almost immediately ( I believe the return of the rains symbolized the return of God’s blessing to the state. This last October, again, God gave me another word at our Seer Institute that it was time to call in the seasonal rains for our area. I shared this with our Institute attendees and like divinely appointed rainmakers, they successfully called in the rain. The rains came pouring, and then flooding, into the area the very next week. I believe God is making a clear statement to California that He will flood her with glory in the coming days.

I’ve seen blueprints from heaven slowly descending upon the state. They are blueprints to change this blue state to red. There is a challenge to corruption coming to California. There is a scrutiny and a shaking coming our way. I’ve watched these blueprints come down and then float back up, and then sometimes they hover over the land right in mid-air. These blueprints are in the balance as of now, but I heard it was a new breed of “red.”
The injustice of Proposition 8: The people of California wanted traditional family, but the spiritual powers of darkness overruled the people’s righteousness. They did this not once, but twice. God has not forgotten this. To the righteous ones of California, you planted the double seed for traditional family and you will reap double for your trouble. You will reap a culture of traditional family in California.
The injustice of AB1266: The spiritual powers of darkness sought to establish a violent law against the children of this state. Jesus once said and is still saying, “Suffer the little children to come to me? (Mark 10:14 KJV)” He also said and is still saying, “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea (Matt. 18:6 NKJV)” The Lord has not forgotten this. There is a showdown coming to the spiritual powers of darkness who pushed this into place.
I’m hearing the distinct sound of Jehu throughout the state. It’s coming from the men! There is a new man uprising!
A word for the church in the unknown, overlooked towns of CA
God is tapping the righteous roots of California as well as opening new wells. He’s calling out the vast wealth of hidden gold in the small, obscure churches in the unknown,
Oakland, CA
During a Prophetic Training Conference at my church this last January, there were a handful of attendees from Oakland, CA. None of them knew each other, but I believe the Holy Spirit led them in for a purpose. During one of the sessions, a word began to stir within me and I then made this proclamation, “Oakland! Oakland! Who will go for Me? Who will speak for Me? Lift up your eyes and see the impossible. I am the God of the impossible and I will do it again. You’ve been in election despair, but I’m the One who repairs! I will restore your streets and create your economy. I will remodel your city and dwelling places. You’ve made spiritual history in the past and you will make it again.” Worshippers in Oakland, CA have gone on spiritual and secular record in the past for transforming hopeless neighborhoods. How? They brought their worship teams into troubled locations and shifted demonic atmospheres through praise and worship that resulted in measurable change (Cindy Jacobs, Possessing the Gates of the Enemy, pgs. 175-176).
I saw an angel named 209
While my interns were prophesying during their training class, I saw in the spiritual realm an angel named 209. The angel was a little larger than a normal sized man. He was all white, including his robe, and radiated with glory. His wings were fluttering rapidly as if he was ready to go and do something glorious. I knew exactly why he had come.
You will experience a new round of unity. There are new sounds, new breeds, and different revival voices emerging from each of these areas. Competition and striving is being set aside, while unity is being made alive. One new man, one new church, and a beautiful harmony up and down the state. There is a new sword coming to the word being preached. There is a shout down of compromise. There is a violent prayer rumble for holiness and revival.
I saw angels for glory all over the state
After I saw the angel named 209, I saw many such angels strategically positioned up and down the state. All of them white and radiating with glory. All of them with their wings fluttering rapidly as if they were ready to go do something. The Lord had shared with me at the time He ended the drought, “After the rain comes the glory!” I can hardly wait for this to emerge!!! Are you as excited as I am? Glory movements are coming to the state so prepare yourself for glory! Prepare yourself to carry the glory! Prepare yourself to move in the glory. California is receiving His grace for glory (Ps.84:11)!
Jennifer Eivaz is a minister and international conference speaker with a heart to equip the church in the supernatural and for raising up passionate and effective prayer. She is a regular contributor to Charisma Online and The Elijah List, has been featured on several Christian television shows, hosts the popular podcast Take Ten With Jenn, and authored several bestselling books. Jennifer and her husband, Ron, co-pastor Harvest Church now meeting in three locations – two campuses in Turlock, California and one campus in Ripon, California – in addition to hosting a thriving online campus. They also have two wonderful children.
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