By Jennifer Eivaz
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I was enjoying the cool beach air and the light rain in Carmel, California last May as I took some personal time to think about and work on some writing assignments. The atmosphere was spiritually open and I sensed the prophetic anointing the moment I arrived. I normally encounter moderate to severe spiritual problems in each city I travel to requiring a day or two of focused prayer just to find my balance. This time it was different and I was just grateful to have the peace of God on the very first day.
As I was walking towards the beach, the Holy Spirit spoke clearly to my heart. He said, “The drought is over.” I didn’t react, but continued to listen. He repeated it again saying, “The drought is over and the rains are coming back to California.” California has been in a physical drought for three or four years officially and has been rationing water. I live in the farm belt of California and water is critical to our economy. I’ve had prophetic words connected to the appearance of rain in the past, but this time it felt like a much stronger word.
Elijah and Intercessory Prayer
I suddenly connected the analogy of Elijah on Mt. Carmel in I Kings 18 and my personal trip to Carmel, California. The opening verse of this chapter is a specific instruction to Elijah from the Lord to “present yourself to Ahab and I will send rain on the earth.” They too were in their third year of drought and without a word from the Lord, it was not going to change. It was also the set-up for that famous showdown between the prophets of Baal, Jezebel, and the prophet Elijah.
Jezebel in California. I keep prophetic watch for the state and intercede deeply for it. This prophetic watch began with a vision about eight years ago that would play repeatedly inside my imagination. I kept seeing a scene of a mother bear fighting for her cubs. It reminded me of the bear on the California state flag, but I didn’t connect it until a visiting minister from England came to speak at our church. She had shared a prophetic word about the coming glory revival for the state of California. When she shared the word, a prophetic burden came on me from the Lord and I began to fight in prayer for the children of California like a mother who had lost her “cubs.”
Soon after, I also had a visitation from an angel with instructions on how to intercede for the state. I can’t give all the details here, but one of the instructions was to: ask the Lord for the anointing of Elijah to come upon the state to 1) reconcile families and 2) to destroy Jezebel (Mal. 4:5,6). As my intercessory teams and myself obeyed the Lord
Prophetic Dream: Storms of Glory Coming to the Church
At the end of my week in Carmel, the Lord gave me a prophetic dream. I was in a two-story educational facility in the middle of a well-watered lush valley and hillside. The facility didn’t belong to me, but in the dream I held authority to provide counsel within this building. I only saw one room on the top floor, but it needed some attention! It was dusty and the furniture was all out place. I looked out the window and watched a white tornado hit a home about 1/3rd of a mile away. It flattened the garage and then went through the interior and gutted the inside. I also knew there were 30 tornadoes coming towards this educational facility very soon. The facility leader was a pretty red-haired woman who had a small company of followers with her. I warned her in the dream about the coming white tornadoes.
The timing of this dream concerned me at first. Understand that I had heard a specific prophetic word about rain and then I had a specific dream about the coming tornadoes! The very next day after this dream, and as many of you have read, there were dangerous rain downpours in the mid-west with tornadoes touching down in different places as well. In all sensitivity, I don’t think my word and dream were about the mid-west situation although it can appear that way on the surface. I have too much intercessory history with California and it resonated with me to be more about the West Coast with promising implications for the rest of the United States. I wanted to make that clear and to remain sensitive to the serious weather mayhem that occurred with all prayerfulness.
With that being said, what is God saying? First of all, to California He is saying: there are storms, actually movements, of white glory coming to the Church. This is good news. It’s a deep glory, it’s full of His holiness, and has movement on it. Ultimately, this is about the salvation of souls and advancing the kingdom of God in ways we couldn’t make happen on our own. This glory “movement” will first challenge anything out of order by removing it or cleaning it out. If you are a pastor, you will most likely experience your church being sifted. People who aren’t with you will be moved out. You need them to go so you can move forward. Set your heart to not stay in grief, to not be bitter, but to praise Him because it needed to happen.
For others, this will challenge your friendships for the same reason. Your friendships and relationships will be reordered so you can run with those who are willing to run. We are also going to learn on a whole new level that just being sincere is not enough. Sincerity must also host the Presence of God to be effective. We will have to be in step with what God is doing and really learn how to carry the Glory of God in a way that “moves.” It will be a new thing for many of us. Glory!
For the rest of the nation, here is what I believe God is doing in connection with this white glory, this “movement,” coming to California. Former San Francisco Mayor, Gavin Newsom, once said, “What happens in California will happen everywhere” (my paraphrase). I’m not in agreement with most of the former mayor’s stances, but many of us heard the prophetic word in his statements. (The Holy Spirit does prophesy through unbelievers on occasion: John 11:49-51)
When I was attending college in Tulsa, Oklahoma, I began to notice a weather pattern. When it rained in California, that storm would many times show up three or four days later in Oklahoma. It would pick up force along the way, however, and be much stronger once it came to the mid-west. I believe this is a prophetic illustration for us. This glory movement coming to California will travel through the United States and pick up force along the way as it travels into different states.
California is a “Revivalist”State
California is a historical “well” for revivalists and revival movements. God blesses each state with it’s own glory and we recognize California as a consistent carrier of revival. I’m not saying that powerful moves of God will never start anywhere else. Ofcourse they will! Either way, we can always count on California to bring forth a move of God and she’s going to birth another.
When Elijah heard from the Lord about the rain, he didn’t sit there. He went into a cave and actively prayed for the rain to come. With that said, I actively make the decree to California, “Your drought is over. The rains are coming!” Go ahead and receive this for yourself and receive it for the body of Christ. When the physical rains come, recognize it as a blessing. The Lord spoke to me a few years ago out of Deut. 28:12 and said, “When you see the rain, know that I am blessing all the works of your hands.” With that said, we bless the rain. We don’t curse it, complain against it, or accept the attitude that it inconveniences us. We bless the rain!
Finally, how do we prepare ourselves for these “white glory” movements coming to our lives and to our churches? I haven’t experienced this before in the way I see it coming, and honestly feel inadequate to instruct for it. I do know the Word, however. It says, “The Lord God is a sun and shield, He gives grace and glory…” (Ps. 84:11). I believe that God shines His light on what needs to be seen and He then shields your heart as you see it. This helps us to see what needs to be set in order in our lives with joy and not condemnation. He also gives grace at the same time He’s giving glory. He’s not bringing a glory movement to California and then to the nation so we can fail at it. There will be His grace to match His glory.
Jennifer Eivaz is a minister and international conference speaker with a heart to equip the church in the supernatural and for raising up passionate and effective prayer. She is a content contributor for many online Christian publications, has been featured on several Christian television shows, hosts the popular podcast Take Ten With Jenn, and authored several bestselling books. Jennifer and her husband, Ron, co-pastor Harvest Church, now meeting in several locations – in addition to hosting a thriving online campus. They also have two wonderful children.
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