A Prophetic Dream
In March 2019, I dreamt I was walking with a friend very slowly and intentionally through a home. We were both barefoot, and I made sure to walk through each and every room before exiting the house. We then continued this walking pattern outdoors for a short distance, but the dream ended as if to say “to be continued.” Because our walking pace was rather slow, there was a tendency to stand still and become idle rather than continue moving forward. At the same time, there were these nasty pockets of ants and centipedes crawling all around on the ground. When we stood still, I noticed the ants and centipedes would start to gather and swarm around our feet preparing themselves to devour our flesh as their next meal. As long as we kept moving forward, however, these scavenging insects would leave us alone.
This was one of those dreams that had several meanings layered on top of each other. I’m going to give you the prophetic interpretation for just one of those layers that I believe is geared toward all of us.

First of all, a “friend” in a dream can symbolize Jesus. Jesus is the friend that “sticks closer than a brother (Prov. 18:24).” He is always for us, with us, and never forsakes us. This dream, then, was about our divine partnership with Jesus. Being barefoot in a dream is also very significant. For this particular dream, it was about taking territory and possessing an inheritance. “Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you…” (Josh. 1:3). The dream made clear that taking territory, a destiny, or a prophetic promise, requires a continual forward motion. It also gave encouragement that going slow is not always a bad thing. Yet there was a warning to not stand still, but to keep moving forward. If you didn’t heed the warning, then you would become preyed upon by the devouring elements.
This dream is still unfolding, and I took note of a scripture that kept resonating with me just prior to the Marvel Dallas conference at the end of April 2019. It reads, “… And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard (Isaiah 58:8 NKJV).” Another version says it this way, “…Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind (Isaiah 58:8 NLT).” It’s the same message as the dream. It’s time to get moving, even if the progress seems slow. You need to take your next step and His glory will become your rear guard. This is the message I’ve been walking out prophetically, a message that covered me when the Holy Spirit told me to do something new.
An unusual miracle
At the Marvel Dallas conference, speaker and host Fiorella Giordano began to communicate a mind-blowing revelation about the wisdom of God. When she did, I heard the Spirit say, “When you minister tonight, I’m giving them the miracle crown of gold on the wisdom tooth.” He added, “It’s a sign of the supernatural wisdom being released as a result of this gathering.” I would like to add that I’ve been walking in a new realm of glory and miracles in connection to my recent book Glory Carriers. When I wrote the last chapter of the book, a felt glory from the Holy Spirit came on me specifically for the miracle of supernatural weight loss. This felt glory has continued to unfold into other unusual miracles since that time. Still, this kind of miracle is highly controversial. I saw it happen before at one of my institutes through a guest speaker, but I’ve never personally administered it. As I stood in front of the audience, I began to coach them about our “miracle-selective” attitudes and that we have no right to dictate to the Spirit of glory what miracles He can do or not do. I explained that we should not be offended when God does a miracle that we don’t understand.
Signs and wonders are often prophecies and they always point to Jesus. They speak a message, they confirm the word that was preached, and/or they tell us the things to come. This crown of gold would be all of these. I then reminded myself of the dream and Isaiah 58:8 and found the strength to move forward on His word and instruction. I said to the crowd, “The Lord is releasing the miracle of gold on the wisdom tooth.” And then I asked everyone to check their neighbor’s mouth. I realized how uncomfortable people were about this, but I kept insisting. Finally, one older gentleman raised his hand because His upper back molar had been supernaturally crowned with gold. I invited him forward, inspected the beautiful gold tooth for myself, and then invited others to see it too. Several people came up to look and were filled with wonder at what they saw. And then it gets even better. While people were viewing the single gold tooth, suddenly another gold tooth appeared in the bottom of his mouth. This set off a flurry of excitement and I will also assert that this double miracle confirms the season we are in. We are in a season of double blessing, a prophetic word that so many prophets have shouted.
Now, why would I need the Lord to be my rear guard in regards to this? Wouldn’t everyone receive this miracle and be as excited as we were about it? Sadly, no. When I posted the picture of his upper gold tooth on my social media, I received a swarm of vicious criticism from people that I’ve never seen or heard of before. It created quite a storm of arguments for and against this miracle, but God was in control the entire time. I realized within about 24 hours that all of this arguing ultimately publicized the miracle much further than it would have if the religious naysayers would have just left it alone. I then noted all the positive increases in my social media activity and interaction, my book numbers, etc., and how this ended up working for me and not against me. Although I removed all the critical content and sincerely prayed for my critics, I was still satisfied that the risk was worth it. God proved Himself to be my rear guard when I moved out on His word.

He will do the same for you. It’s time to move out on the word God gave you. It’s time to take the next step towards your destiny and inheritance in the Lord. I believe the Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart and encouraging you to keep moving forward in this very moment. And remember, He has your back.
My prayer for you:
Holy Spirit you are so good! You don’t whip us into obedience but powerfully encourage us with Your awesome truth. I pray for each person reading this today. If they are stuck in a holding pattern, I pray they get unstuck. If they are scared to risk the next step, I command that fear to go. In Jesus’ name! You said You have our backs but insist we move when You move. Holy Spirit, we trust You and we surrender. We are going forward, step by step, and from glory to glory. ~Amen!
Jennifer Eivaz is a minister and international conference speaker with a heart to equip the church in the supernatural and for raising up passionate and effective prayer. She is a content contributor for many online Christian publications, has been featured on several Christian television shows, hosts the popular podcast Take Ten With Jenn, and authored several bestselling books. Jennifer and her husband, Ron, co-pastor Harvest Church, now meeting in several locations – in addition to hosting a thriving online campus. They also have two wonderful children.
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