Enjoy this excerpt from chapter one of my book, GLORY CARRIERS.
“As a new believer, I attended my first women’s retreat, led by author and intercessor Barbara Wentroble, not knowing what to expect. But once I got there, I could sense an unusual expectation and vibe coming from the other women in attendance. As we all stood in a single-file line to receive personal prayer from the minister, suddenly the air seemed to part open above us, and the raw firepower of the Holy Spirit fell upon us. The impact was obvious given the exuberant displays of emotion and unique physical responses of worship and ecstatic joy. As for me, I was deeply changed in one moment and felt a hunger for God that had far surpassed anything I had felt before.
This was my first experience with a glory carrier – meaning a man or woman of God who displays His manifest presence. And over the years, I have cherished sitting under the ministry of other glory carriers such as Paul Goulet, Bill Johnson and more. My thinking was, if I could attend events where such people were ministering, then I would encounter God or the miraculous in some way. After all, anyone present could receive a special anointing from the Holy Spirit they carried, right? Still, in all my experiences with these glory carriers, the idea that I too could become a glory carrier did not cross my mind. I loved the presence of God, but what I had seen in these leaders seemed to be hit and miss for me. When I ministered, sometimes His power was present and at other times not, and I had no idea why.
What was the secret? Where was I missing it?
I finally realized that those I have mentioned, along with many others, had all communicated a similar message about the Holy Spirit. To them the Holy Spirit was not just a power from God or a force to create a miracle service or crusade. Rather, each one communicated a deep reverence and honor for their Friend, the Holy Spirit. The result of their friendship was obvious: Supernatural signs, wonders, and miracles resulted from the demonstration of God’s glory.

Can you really become friends with the Spirit of God? Here is what I discovered. In the context of prayer, I began talking to the Holy Spirit, inviting His presence, and requesting His friendship. I have heard some people express a concern that they are offending Jesus by doing this. I want to assure you that Jesus is not offended by your communication with the Spirit of God. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not in competition with one another. They are perfectly unified.
I continued to invite the Holy Spirit to make Himself known in my life, even asking Him to teach me how to be His friend. Nothing seemed to change for a long time, but then one day I noticed something new. Upon my invitation, I discerned His presence enter the room I was in and come upon my person.
This began to happen on a regular basis. When I say that I could discern His presence “come upon my person,” what I am trying to describe is the constant touch of a Friend. For example, I can feel His hands on the back of my shoulders in a very comforting way at times, or I sense His joyful face in front of my face and looking at me. At times He stands peacefully beside me; at other times He wraps me in a supernaturally charged blanket, which is how I would describe the embrace of the Holy Spirit.
Finally, I had crossed a barrier after years of pursuing the Holy Spirit. I could now feel His presence as being with me, and I felt this with regularity. The only drawback was the painful awareness of when His manifest presence was not there. To be honest, the absence of His felt presence shaped holiness into my life more than anything else. Please do not misunderstand this. I was not a horrible person with a double standard or a double life. Nevertheless, He is holy, and my bad attitudes grieved Him, disrupting our connection. I committed to change no matter what it took. I had to have His presence with me at all times.
Has my life changed because of my growing friendship with the Holy Spirit? Absolutely. I have seen more of His manifest glory than ever before. I have witnessed more miracles, more deliverances and more lives dramatically changed. Yet I am keenly aware there is so much more. It is not easy to carry the glory of God within the delicate container of friendship with the Holy Spirit – a costly yet priceless relationship.
Jennifer Eivaz is a minister and international conference speaker with a heart to equip the church in the supernatural and for raising up passionate and effective prayer. She is a content contributor for many online Christian publications, has been featured on several Christian television shows, hosts the popular podcast Take Ten With Jenn, and authored several bestselling books. Jennifer and her husband, Ron, co-pastor Harvest Church, now meeting in several locations – in addition to hosting a thriving online campus. They also have two wonderful children.
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